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Monday, August 8, 2011

Tips for Reducing Stress

If you are one of the millions of stressed-out Americans, there's good news. People can learn to manage stress. Start with these stress management tips:
  • Keep a positive attitude.
  • Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
  • Be assertive instead of aggressive. "Assert" your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques.
  • Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
  • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
  • Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
  • Don't rely on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress.
  • Seek out social support.
  • Learn to manage your time more effectively.

Stress Signals

Stress affects each of us in different ways, and it is important to be aware of your unique stress "signals". Stress signals fall into four categories: thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and physical symptoms. When you are under stress, you may experience any number of the following:
  • Feelings: anxiety, irritability, fear, moodiness, embarrassment.
  Bebola Berwalnut

125 gm keju krim
1 sudu besar hirisan daun bawang
2 sudu teh puri tomato
50 gm walnut bakar (dicincang halus)
Acuan cawan kertas secukupnya
Putar keju krim bersama daun bawang dan puri tomato hingga ia sebati. Simpan ia di dalam peti sejuk, 30 minit. Bentuk adunan tadi menjadi bebola kecil. Golekkan bebola di dalam walnut. Buat hingga adunan habis. Simpan ia semula di dalam peti sejuk, sebentar. Bubuh bebola di dalam cawan kertas. Hidangkan.
  Udang 1000 Rasa

Bahan 1
500 g udang
2 biji telur
3 sudu tepung jagung
lada hitam
Bahan 2
5 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
6 sudu sos cili
2 sudu sos cili thai
2 sudu sos tomato
2 sudu sos tiram
2 biji telur (dipukul)
  Begedil Ayam

1 kg ubi kentang (di kupas kulit)
300 gm daging ayam (dicincang halus)
20 gm jintan putih
20 gm jintan manis
20 gm lada sulah
50 gm bawang goreng (paket)
2 tangkai cili merah (dihiris halus)
2 tangkai cili hijau (dihiris halus)
4 batang daun bawang (ihiris halus)
3 biji telur (dipukul kembang)
100 gm tepung kentang(potatoe Starch)
sedikit garam dan perasa (mengikut citarasa sendiri)
  Bihun Nam Pla 

1 paket bihun (direndam),
½ cawan isi ayam dipotong kecil,
udang -terpulang banyak mana,
Cendawan( tak kisah apa2 cendawan),
6 biji cili api (ditumbuk)
½-1 biji bawang besar (dipotong bulat2)
1-2 susu besar sos ikan,
1 sudu sos tiram,
sedikit air

sedikit garam,
sedikit kiub pati ayam (ikut citarasa)
boleh letak rencah lain-daging, sotong,fishball dll. 
panaskan minyak, masukkan cili api yang ditumbuk, isi ayam, udang,cendawan atau rencah lain dan sedikit air, kacau rata-rata dan masukkan sos ikan, sos tiram, garam, dan kiub pati ayam kacau hingga sebati baru masukkan bawang besar tadi. Tambah lagi sedikit air supaya bihun kelihatan basah atau lembab.Kemudian masukkan taugeh dan kobis, kacau lagi jika bihun kering tambah air.
Cadangan Hidangan:
Enak dihidangkan bersama cili jeruk. Manakala daun sup, daun bawang sebagai hiasan.

How to Look Beautiful without Makeup

Whatever your reason for not wearing makeup is, it’s important to still look your best, and be confident with your natural beauty.
  1. Beauty Rest
    Be sure that you are getting plenty of rest every night; the required amount is said to be 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Along with 8 hours of sleep, be sure to drink plenty of water and avoid sodas. These two things can greatly improve your skin’s complexion, and help heal the circles around your eyes.

Why we need friendships?

Friendships are the gift to the man kind. The relation which we get in this world are blood related. But the only relationships which doesnot related to blood is friendship. Friendship has many forms and shapes. It is like water. If we pour the water into a jug it takes the shape of jug. if you pour the same water into a bowl it takes the shape o bowl. Sameway friendships will take a different shapes and sizes according to our heart. Friendship gives pleasure to human beings. Where there is friendship then there will not be any sorrow. When you see a child laughing you will forget your sorrows for a second, sameway when you are with a friend you forget your sorrows.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

7 Proven Ways to Prolong Life 

As women, we mostly live longer than our male counterparts, even though we spend the vast majority of our (married) lives waiting on them…strange that. However just in case you want to live longer, there are ways you can develop habits that will add years to your expected life expectancy. None of them are onerous and they all make common sense. Some of them you hear bandied about everyday but when you see them altogether you realise there might just be something in them after all. Please read on for 7 proven ways to prolong life.

9 Remedies for Your Period Issues …

I don’t know any girl who actually looks forward to her period, but I know plenty of you look for remedies for your period issues. There may be times of relief when it finally does arrive after a non-planned pregnancy scare, but I still doubt that anyone truly LOVES to get her period. That’d because there are so many horrid side effects that seem to come with it! Add up all the cramping and bloating and cravings…it’s enough to make any girl go crazy! Not to mention those around her of course! So I decided to write an article on possible remedies for those issues. You may not know this, but there are things you can do to make your monthly cycle easier on you! Ready to find out what simple measures YOU can take to fix those period pickles? Keep reading my article for 9 remedies for your period issues!

64 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight 

1. Take the stairs, not the elevator

2. Don’t look for a close parking spot

3. Avoid the middle of the grocery store

4. Keep a food journal

5. Prepare your own meals at home, rather than eating out